Eat Your GreensYou probably have heard the phrase, “Eat Your Greens”. Greens are a highly nutritious addition to our diet and are they essential for a healthy body and strong immune system. Read on to find out all the benefits of eating greens, types of greens and different ways to "Eat Your Greens".
1. Nutrients in greens include: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. Greens are loaded with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. In addition, leafy greens are high-alkaline foods which help neutralize the acids in your body. 2. Some of the many health benefits of greens include:
3. Examples of “greens”: Bok choy, cabbage, kale, collards, chard, mustard greens, watercress, arugula, endive, lettuce, wild greens, spinach, beet greens. How do you like to eat your greens? I like to think about getting my greens at each meal. To do this, I would start the morning with some spinach in my smoothie, have a fresh green romaine lettuce salad for lunch and some steamed kale for dinner! It’s as easy as that! Here are some other ways to enjoy them:
Start today by incorporating more GREENS into your diet? What are your favorite ways to eat them?
10 Ways to Get Kids to Eat HealthierIn conversations with parents over the years, it has been very common to hear about the eating challenges that they have with their children. From having picky eaters or different dietary needs to not eating fruits and vegetables. In my experience, I have found that the more I would get my son involved in the kitchen and make it fun for him, the more he would eat the healthy food we would prepare. More Broccoli, Please! Three simple words my son said when he was two years old when he asked for a second helping of broccoli “trees”. I realized that if you make food fun for kids, and teach them about why to eat healthier, then maybe they will be more likely to eat healthy and make good choices. This began the start of my blog, “More Broccoli, Please”, where I would share my experiences with my son and how I have taught him over the years about healthy eating habits and getting him involved in the kitchen (and in the garden too)! I educated my son about good vs. bad foods, making him understand the importance of a healthy balanced diet with real whole food. I guess you could say my son went through a picky eater stage. One day he would like something the next day he wouldn’t. I never liked to put this “picky eater” label on him although it was still frustrating at times. However, I knew it would take time as we were experimenting with new foods, and we had to find what he liked and focus on that. I tried “sneaking” vegetables into his food, but I preferred to let him know what he was eating. My son went through a stage where he wouldn’t eat anything that I put in front of him. When he was about 5 years old and pushed away another healthy dinner, I had him make a list of 12 fruits and vegetables that he would eat. We then made an agreement that I would only serve him those 12 fruits and vegetables, but he would have to try at least one new one each week. He agreed, and this system worked! My son is now 10 years old, and I can honestly say he is a good eater! He knows good choices from the not so good choices. He knows how to read food labels and recognizes the key ingredients to look out for such as high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and color dyes. Although he still loves some of the typical “kid” food like pizza and fries from time to time, I know he is aware of the good things that he should be eating and why he should choose them. We also try to make healthier versions of some of the not so healthy items that kids typically like. Whether or not you have a “picky eater”, here are 10 ways that you can get your child to eat healthier and ways to get your child involved so that you can create healthy habits that last! These 10 ways are all based on my experience with my son.
It’s definitely a process and takes time and patience to instill healthy habits, but I have seen first hand that it does work and you can have fun along the way with these simple tips!
Packing a Healthy LunchboxBack to school time is here! While you are preparing your kids for school this year, don’t forget to think about this important question: “What are you going to pack in your child’s lunch?” I thought I would get a little more creative this year instead of the same peanut butter and jelly sandwich day after day (although my son will still be getting this sandwich some days because he loves them). I pack different lunches for myself everyday, so why not make it a little more exciting for my son too (and healthy, of course!) I wanted to share my lunch ideas and recipes with you. These ideas are meat and dairy free and provide many essential nutrients that kids need. I realize that some schools have peanut free policies, so adjust your choices accordingly. Each lunch box should include foods from the categories below:
Box 1 - Peanut Butter & Jelly, pretzels, orange and No Bake Protein Bites Box 2 - Colorful Vegetable Pasta Salad, grapes, flax crackers Box 3 - Black Bean and Corn Salsa Wraps, grapes, tortilla chips, almonds Box 4 - Red Bell Pepper Hummus Wraps, orange, edamame, No Bake Protein Bites Check out our full video below for a demonstration of the four lunch box ideas above. LINK TO VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/IPOtBpzCQ4M When my mom packed my lunch in my early school days, she would always write a short note on the napkin for me. The notes would say things like, “Have a Nice Day, “I Love You”, “You are Great”! I would always look forward to opening my lunch box and seeing my note. My mom put time and effort into our lunches, and the extra touches were so special to me. I want to do the same for my son. Even though my son is old enough to pack his own lunch, I still like to pack it for him. Do what works for you and your family! The photo below is a flashback to my son getting ready for Kindergarten! I always love buying school supplies every year, especially new lunch boxes and containers! Happy Back to School!
A Healthy Start With BreakfastDo you start your day with a healthy breakfast ? Or do you rush out of the house in the morning skipping the most important meal of the day? Maybe you aren't a breakfast person, maybe you aren't hungry or don't have time. Whatever the case, read on to find out why breakfast is the most important meal of the day and why you shouldn't skip it! I have also included some healthy breakfast ideas! It's one of my favorite meals of the day with some many delicious choices! Below are some of the top benefits to eating a healthy breakfast EVERY day. Breakfast.....
So, what should you eat for breakfast? For optimal health, choose healthy breakfast foods that are filled with essential nutrients such as, protein, fiber, calcium, fat, vitamins and minerals. Here is a list of some of our quick and easy favorite breakfast items. Also, browse through some of our favorite breakfast ideas here: www.lisacheplak.com/all-recipes/category/breakfast-ideas
A flashback to us enjoying a back to school breakfast with muffins and smoothies!
Meal Planning TipsIt's something we need to think about every single day. What's for breakfast, lunch and dinner? What and when are we going to eat? Staying with a healthy diet could not be possible without planning ahead. With busy schedules and lifestyles, meal planning is definitely a must! Here are some of my tips for meal planning. My weeks are definitely easier when I plan ahead and have quick and easy meals ready to go! 1. Tired of the same old meals? Look through recipes for new ideas. Check out a new cookbook. Browse websites and Pinterest. Make your grocery list off of the new recipes that you want to try. 2. Create a place to save recipes and keep them organized. Make a list of regular items that you make and family favorites and rotate them throughout the month. 3. Ask for input from kids and other family members. If my son complains about having the same thing all of the time, I make sure to ask him what he would like for meals before I go to the grocery store. 4. Have fun cooking seasonally. Visit farmer’s markets, participate in a Community co-op produce basket program. 5. Start a weekly meal planner calendar, wipe board, computer/iPad or on a note pad. Your family will always know "What's for dinner?". 6. Plan themed cuisine nights, such as, Italian Night, Pizza Night, Taco Night. 7. Make a grocery list and choose a convenient shopping day that works best for your schedule. 8. Check what's on sale and plan your meals around those ingredients. 9. Don’t overstuff the refrigerator. Buy what you think you will consume each week so you don't have to throw anything away! 10. Be strategic about freezing leftovers. 11. Keep a well-stocked pantry: beans, grains, canned tomatoes, soup stock. 12. After grocery shopping, spend time prepping meals for the week. Cook once, eat twice. Make double batches for the next day. Pack lunch while making dinner.
Smart SnackingHow many times this summer do you think you will hear, "I'm hungry mom!", while your kids are constantly looking through the pantry and refrigerator!? How about, "there's nothing to eat"! Here are my tips for healthy snacks and ideas of how you can get kids involved and have plenty of snacks on hand! 1. Create a sandwich bar My son loves going to Subway. We usually always eat at a Subway when traveling, but I love creating our own "Subway" sandwiches at home. Have all the toppings ready to go in the refrigerator such as, chopped lettuce, tomatoes, olives, pickles, jars of peppers and jalapenos, cucumber slices, mustard and other sandwich spreads. Buy some freshly baked baguettes at your local farmers market or bakery. Let your kids make their own sandwich creations. 2. Stock up on smoothie ingredients Smoothies are a great way to get extra nutrients in while enjoying a flavorful, cold treat! Stock up on frozen fruit, coconut water, nut milk, bananas and smoothie boosters like chia seeds and flax seeds. Freeze extra blended smoothies into popsicle molds. I buy extra seasonal fruit at local farms and freeze it to use throughout the summer. 3. Have a salsa party Salsa is the best way to enjoy the fresh flavors of the season! Get creative with different salsa creations like pineapple/mango, tomato, black bean and corn and our favorite watermelon salsa! 4. Stick it Kids love to eat anything on a stick! Set up fruits and vegetables for kids to make their own kabobs such as, salad on a stick, fruit sticks, or grilled kabobs. 5. Veggies & Dip Keep fresh cut vegetable sticks in the refrigerator and have dip on hand such as hummus (try our red pepper, carrot or red beet hummus). Other great dip options are guacamole, bean dip, cashew ranch dip. Veggies and dip make a perfect poolside snack. 6. Wrap it Up Make wraps using tortillas, lettuce, chard or rice paper wraps. Add any favorite toppings, such as hummus salsa, veggies. Check out our veggie pinwheels. Here is list of some other great snack ideas to stock up on:
I hope when you hear the words, "I am hungry, mom", your kids will open the refrigerator to find countless healthy options! Happy summer and happy smart snacking!
Healthy New YearJust like that, the holidays have come and gone! It's that time again to set goals and focus on a new year! Maybe you still have some lingering sweets and treats around, but ready or not, it's time to incorporate the healthy stuff again. While it's definitely ok to indulge over the holidays, (I had my fair share of treats) it's time to get back on track with some healthy eating goals. Whether you are starting a cleanse, a new diet or just wanted to incorporate some healthy foods into your diet, read on for some tips to start the new year off in the healthiest way.
1) Start today Even if you still have treats lingering around, start incorporating healthy items again like starting with a healthy breakfast. One of my favorites is chia seed pudding to boost health! Chia seeds are packed with fiber, protein, minerals and antioxidants that promote heart health, strong bones and improve blood sugar. Routines get off track during the holidays, so beginning the day with a healthy breakfast is a good place to start. Read more about healthy breakfast ideas here. 2) Set goals Be specific about what you want to achieve around healthy eating. Maybe you want to incorporate more greens or try more plant-based foods this year. What is one new habit you can incorporate every day? I love eating a salad daily. Salads are always a great way to get a lot of nutrients in! Check out my Eat the Rainbow Salad post for inspiration. Salads don't have to be boring! My salads are loaded with all of the essential nutrients. You can find more salad recipes here: www.lisacheplak.com/all-recipes/category/soups-salads Review your specific dietary needs and goals to determine what your body needs. 3) Plan and prep Stock your pantry and fridge with everything you need to make quick and easy meals. Meal planning can help keep you organized and on track. You can find some meal planning tips here. 4) Try new recipes Pick up a new cookbook or browse some recipes online and try a new recipe once a week. Get the whole family involved and create healthy meals together. Find some tips on cooking with families in my post here. 5) Keep it colorful I like to use the phrase "what can I eat today to boost my immune system". With every meal you eat, think about how it benefits your health. Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, "Eat the Rainbow", provides essential nutrients to boost immunity. 6) Drink more water Make sure to always stay hydrated. Water is the most essential nutrient your body needs. A few benefits of drinking water include: detoxifies and moves toxins through your body, hydrates your skin, aids in digestion, boosts your energy and can even elevate your mood. Don't love water? Try adding fresh lemon juice or doTERRA lemon essential oil. Find more about essential oils here. 7) Don't give up If you keep running back to the sweets and goodies from the holidays, don't worry, you can always start over with the next meal you eat. Keeping a food log would be a good way to keep you track. I hope these basic tips will help jump start a healthy year ahead for you and your family! Happy New Year!
Salsa Time with Watermelon SalsaNothing says summer like fresh, sweet watermelon! It's always a perfect hydrating treat, and is always found at most picnics and barbecues! There are lots of ways to eat watermelon, but have you ever tried it in a salsa!? I created this recipe, because most of the ingredients are growing right in the school gardens around August-October. Salsa is a great ways for kids (and adults) to get their daily servings of fruits and vegetables! This recipe has been kid tested and approved at schools throughout Las Vegas. It's always a favorite. Have some fun in your kitchen with this one! Any time is good for salsa time!
Have you heard of or tried chia seeds yet? Chia seeds are a superfood (one of the most nutrient dense foods) and contain lots of beneficial vitamins and minerals. You can add them to smoothies, granola bars, salads, use as an egg replacer or make a delicious pudding with them. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants and contain calcium, iron, fiber, protein, vitamin c, potassium and omega 3's. They are from the Salvia Hispanica plant which is a member of the mint family. When added to liquid they expand and create a gel like consistency. I love making chia seed pudding as a breakfast or for an energy boosting snack. There are so many ways to customize the pudding, by adding your favorite flavors and toppings. Try it today to get the wonderful benefits of this amazing superfood!
Family Pizza PartyPizza! Who doesn't love pizza!? Gather your family and create a pizza night together. If you don't want to make the dough, then try pita bread or English muffins for the crust. Most kids I know, just like cheese and pepperoni on their pizza. Put some colorful toppings together (eat the rainbow), and challenge your kids to create their own veggie pizza. The sauce is easily made with canned and fresh tomatoes, garlic and fresh herbs or grab a jar of sauce from your pantry. ![]() Load your pizza up with veggies! Here are some of my favorite toppings: broccoli diced bell pepper mushrooms fresh tomatoes olives zucchini (zucchinaroni) cheese (dairy free, if desired!) What are your favorite toppings? |
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PLEASE NOTE: The information provided throughout my website pertaining to your health or wellness, is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own physician or health care provider. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes only. This information should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or health condition. If you have, or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider. A Health Coach is defined as a guide and mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their own health and supports them to implement and sustain lifestyle and behavior changes that will contribute to the achievement of their personal wellness goals. I became certified as a Health Coach because of my passion for health and wellness, and to work with others on incorporating positive and healthy changes in their lives.
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